PODCASTS from San Francisco's own Live 105's "NOT SO SILENT NIGHT" Concert featuring The Killers, Modest Mouse, The Raconteurs, The Shins, and the winner of the local band contest - Silversun Pickups
Click here to listen to Live 105's Madden interview The Killers at NSSN '06
Click here to listen to Live 105's NSSN interview w/ The Shins.
Click here to listen to Live 105's NSSN interview w/ Silversun Pickups.
Click here to see what the people at Spin Magazine thought of NSSN '06.
What could be better than 10,000 people soaking wet in the Bill Graham Civic Center in San Francisco watching The Killers, Modest Mouse, The Raconteurs, The Shins, and the winner of the local band contest - Silversun Pickups? Let me think...winning the lottery? Yeah, that would be better.
The End.
P.S. BTW - if you live in San Francisco and you ever have tickets for a concert or just want to go out and have some drinks...or maybe see a play...or better yet, play with some street people...or just play in the street - and it happens to be raining on a Friday night and you think "Oh, I'll just take a cab so I either 1.) don't get a DUI or 2.) end up face down in someones living room at 4am wondering where the hell you are and who that ugly person is next to you?"...then I would suggest CALLING THE CAB COMPANY 3 HOURS EARLY or you ain't goin' NOWHERE!
We frigging missed The Shins because we couldn't get a cab. THE SHINS DAMMIT! Yellow cab - busy. Luxor? - maybe they will be there in 15 min, if not then call back (What the hell is THAT?) We even tried to flag down cabs by jumping up and down in the puddles waving our arms like new born storks learning to fly, but nothing. nada. zilch. THE SHINS I TELL YOU!!! Damn you Yellow Cab! Damn You Luxor Cab! (And thank you S.F.P.D. for not pulling me over).