I'm sure Wolfie is going to do an amazing job at 15 and all...and yes I know I will be in the audience yelling over to my fellow Top 40 Music Sucks contributors/friends…"Damn for 15 that kid rocks!" But can a 15 year old drink 2 fifths of Jack Daniel's straight from the bottle, run around the stage with his Jack Daniel's bass and a bra on his head, panties hanging off his tuners, and pump out an ear splitting, drunken bass solo that will amaze and entertain the masses? Given our minimum drinking age of 21 and that Wolfie is not Michael Anthony that would make that a rhetorical question.

Now, let's talk Van Halen psychology (a tough one to understand I know). I have a red hot burning question for you Van Halen brothers thats been stewing in my head for years. WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR BAND MATES? When Michael Anthony of all people, leaves to play with Sammy "The Red Rocker" Hagar, you have to ask yourself "What the hell am I doing wrong to piss off the

AND LASTLY...What in THEE heck are you going to do when you get inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? (I predict an all out Van Halen brawl...That would be FANTASTIC wouldn't it? Diamond Dave gives Eddie a scissor kick to the chin while Michael Anthony smacks Alex over the head with a bottle of Jack...Anyone know who's in charge of SNL these days?)

(ROCKET SURGERY! WATER UNDER THE DAM! AAAAAAAHHHH...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy crap have Diamond Dave's synapses completely folded or WHAT!?)
So, I'm going to leave you two one last question that will be on everyone's mind when the tour is announced..."How much are tickets?"