- Register as an OFFICIAL Police member at www.thepolice.com. This allows you access to the quickly becoming load of crap "PRE SALE", which means this gets you access to tickets BEFORE the actual PRE SALE... so a PRE SALE to the PRE SALE if you will...
- Pay your $99 for a year of membership to the site "Loads of great content!, Access to PRE SALE, cool poster!" - Ok, sweet.
- Get your PRE SALE to the PRE SALE secret "Password"
- Go to www.ticketmaster.com and make sure you register and have an account since most Police tickets are sold through Ticketmaster. Getting an account at time of purchase only slows you down..and you SURELY don't want that.
- Go back to www.thepolice.com with your super secrete password and your Ticketmaster log in and make sure that the PRE SALE to the PRE SALE hasn't already ended (don't blink) at the venue you would like to see The Police.
- Click the PRE SALE button (your hopes should be getting high by now & fingers crossed)
- Get redirected to Ticketmaster LOG IN and put in your secret password (Aren't you glad you signed up earlier?)
- Start picking good seats! The first thing you will see is your pickin's for great seat are nill and good seats already slim due to the PRE - PRE - PRE SALE the industry folk, friends of the band, "special" people get. Anyway...your still excited...you've paid your $99...and after all..YOU'RE A SPECIAL POLICE MEMBER!!! You will have SWEET seats!
- You found the PERFECT seats! Hooorah! Quickly put in the quantity of tickets and press "buy" - HURRY!
- "Seats not available. Please try again" FUCK. So you do...you get your second best choice. Ok, cool.
- Checkout
- Drain bank account or max out credit card.
- Hit friends up for the price of their ticket to pay off credit card (always awkward)
- Get tickets and have a great time! HOOOOORRRRAAAYY!!! The Police rocked! Best show ever!
- Realize you could have gotten the same tickets at the same price and had the same great time with out the hassle. NOT Priceless...
No, not cool. (Click above picture). Pisser, eh? GREAT time for another tour...just when everyone's membership ends and needs to pony up another $99!
I advise reading the The Police PRE SALE stipulations as well...there's a bunch. Just scalp the fuckers or wait until the tickets go on regular sale. Save yourself the hassle. Although, the shining moment of being a Police member is the awesome old school poster they send to you (4 months later). It's ALMOST worth $99.