Tuesday, May 20, 2008

~Rejn, Jamie T, Puddle of Mudd~

These first two bands are both emerging artists that I came across on thesixtyone.com. This first song is my favorite. It is called thorn, and is by rejn. This song was written when the singer of the band was only thirteen, which is pretty impressive not only for being able to write a decent song at that age, but the vocal talent needed for this song is pretty impressive. You can listen to the song by clicking the link below.

Rejn - Thorn

This song was composed by Jamie T, an English singer. I think his accent gives this song an extra "umph" that makes it great. This song is nearly two years old, but figured it was worth posting here anyways as I am sure many of you have not heard it yet.

This next song is a song from Puddle of Mudd's most recent album, Famous. The song is called "We don't have to look back now."