Nine Inch Nails has recently released their latest album online, where they encourage people to download it for free. They offer many different types of download types and even encourage you to remix the songs, which I thought was pretty cool. On this website's first post ever, I featured their song, "Discipline." This time I am going to feature my favorite song off of the album, "Echoplex."
While I was cruising across the internet I came across the band Spineshank. I had previously not heard of the band or any of their songs, so, as always, I decided to look up some information on the band. Apparently after releasing an album in 2004, Spineshank decided to call it quits as the members of the band did not have a good connection with eachother, and had differences in their views of what the band should sound like. It really is a shame they parted ways, as this song, "Synthetic," is a good song.
I came across this band on complete accident, by accidentally clicking the wrong song on a playlist on a website I do not even remember. I was very happy that I did this though, as the song had me amazed. Again, this is one of those rap-rock mix type songs that I am in love with. Definitely a unique and different sound, though it really reminds me of Hed PE. This is Dislocated Style's "Liquefied."