Thursday, July 31, 2008

01/ 08/ 2008 Entries Part I
Another day, new blogs and a lot of small surprises. African Hip Hop, Brecht and a clean lay-out:
- WorldVix - Sometimes you have blogs that are popular, because they have popular music, while other times they have a clean and clear lay out. Well, this blog has both, easy lay out/ easy music.
- Zero G Sound - I like this blog. Why? because it was brave enough to post some poems of Brecht! Who? Forget about it! This blog is definitely Avant, Prog. and Poetic with a lot of German spirit! A TIP!.
- Totally Fuzzy This Blog needs no introduction. Legendary and attracting thousands of visitors each day. TIP!
- Naija Jams - I have been to a lot of countries, but I am ashamed to say that I have never visited any in Africa. High in the list is however Nigeria. The reason - music being one. Check it out, a Nigerian music Blog!
- African Hiphop - Sometimes, I get tired of all that American Gangsta rap. What a relief there is such a thing as classic African Hip Hop. A TIP is well deserved for this blog!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
31/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
These blogs are all A-class and I cant decide which one to recommend more. Just check them out:
- Zinhof My Music - This blog knows its music. The whole Beatles discography, BB King, Billy Idol, but also Etta James and even Whitesnake (A lot of "Best of and discographies).
- NitroFiles - Is another decent blog. Featuring New Order, Simple Minds, but also more mainstream Pop and Rock music.
- 8 DAYS IN APRIL - Want to know what 'Krautrock' constitutes of? Check this blog out. Also your source for Vintage Psychedelic and Progressive rock! This is quality!
- TWILIGHTZONE! I reckon that this must be the best music blog that I visited today. Kuddos for the twilight! Psychedelic, garage, trashy punk and even some classic rock & roll. Definitely TIP!
- Opium Ben - I spoke to Ben yesterday and asked him to describe his Blog, he responded: "Quark, Strangeness & Charm" I think he was right. TIP d'art l'avant garde!
30/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part II
List of all kinds of music blogs, some ok, some good, some great. Have a look and test for yourself:
- Acervo Origens - Rare Brazilian music, from rock to instrumental
- Acoustic but not only acoustic - Folk, blues among other delights (last post Dec 07)
- Aduna - African music
- Agona Shorthand - Psychedelic, Dub, Alt. Rock
- Agora e Rock - Rock only and a wide variety of it
- Un Rayo en la Avenida - Hard Rock, Prog. Rock, Psychedelic Rock
- Akashaman`s Kosmos - Your place for vintage pop
- Alain Finkiel Krautrock - Euro pop, youtube clips
- Albumes 2007-descargas - Mainstream Pop
- Albuns Gratis - Pop stuff (not been updated in a too long time)
- Alejandeath - Metal (Last update March)
- Alekiss MP3 - Jazz, Latin Jazz, African, Funk, Soul
- All That Джазз - A recommended classic Jazz blog
- All that Tango - What do you expect?! Tango!
- Alpha e Ether Good Brasilian Pop and Rock Blog
- Puro Folklore Argentino - Argentinian... Folk!
- Floodlit Footprint - Avant, Prog., Psychedelic (Pssssssst, TIP)
- D D C 80s popular music with a lot of Latin stuff
30/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
You can always leave your blog in the shoutbox and after my approval Ill link to your blog. Today two new blog requests:
- Nathan Nothin' - Hard to find progressive rock vinyl blog
- The Reggea Rollercoaster - a Great (new) place for some homemade reggae mixes
Sad News
Bad news... One of the best Trip Hop blogs, La Musique, has been forced to stop their blogging activities. But don't worry, as we all know, Music Blogging is not going to die anytime soon! Increase your efforts and make sure the world grows ears!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
29/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part III
On request from a much appreciated and attentive reader, check them out below. Other dedicated Hip Hop fans also should check out HBB (Hip Hop Bootleggers). A true Hip Hop Bootlegg heaven.
- Bust the Facts - Great collection of OOP Hip Hop
- Bust the Facts 2 - More good OOP and Old Skool HH
29/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part II
In addition to the blogs already added automatically today (The Fingersnapper, bootlegbob and The Bang the Box) now some bootleg rock stuff!
- Quality Boots - Bootlegs of Progressive Rock
- Dexondaz - Bootlegs of a wide variey of Music
- Live-bootleg - bootlegs form mainly Rock concerts
- Hard-Rock Cafe - Hardrock (Spanish)
- Bubba Rocks - Country and Rock 'n Roll
- Hammer Of The Gods - Led Zeppelin Tribute (a blog currently on pause)
29/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
Today some experimental, inter-disciplinary, difficult to categorise sounds to make your ears tinkle. I love these blogs, although they are giving me a hard time to categorise them!
- autov3rs3 - Mixing electro with rock and Funk with lyrics without words.
- avant-spiral - Has music that you are not supposed to enjoy (and that's a complement!).
- Baroque Dub - Mixing dub with all other things (Mixes only).
- Prog not Frog - Has lots of very kool prog. rock gems and mixes it with jazz, funk etc.
- A Closet of Curiosities (sister site of Basement Curiosities) - I have seen Chinese folk, twilight zone music, music for mythic moods. This blog is great for all kinds of niches!
- Decoder - Avant Garde, unreleased, out of print, 'music from the avant-derriere end of town'.
- Wassonii - Out of Print releases, clips and other rarities.
Monday, July 28, 2008
28/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part II
New load of blogs decicated to soundtrack/ scores from cult, mainstream and class movies:
- Soundtrack Sharity - Good blog for recent and older soundtracks
- The Inferno Music Crypt - Specialised in Horror movie soundtracks
- Nightchiller rare music - Rare cult soundtracks
- The Manchester Morgue - Cult movie soundtracks among other things
- Original Score - Mainstream movie scores
- Soundtracks from Action heroes- Soundtracks of movies with action heroes
- You don't have to visit this blog- Mainly TV and Movie scores
- 80s Soundtracks and more - Seemingly paused blog with 80s movie scores
- Horrorphile's Jukebox - Horror and cult scores
- Melancholia Subobscura - Rare movie scores of rare movies
- Soundtracks Galore- All kinds of movie scores
- Soundtracks Lover - Indie movie soundtrack blog
28/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
I found some classic rock, some soul and one new gospel blog for you:
- Feel it - Soul, mainly 1960s
- Got the Fever - Jazz, New Wave, Blues, Garage, Dance, Groove, Prog.
- Just Moving on - Pure Gospel
- The Hits Just Keep coming - Past Top 40 Pop music, Classic Rock
- Any major Dude with Half a Heart - 1960s/ 70s Soul, Mixes
- Ain't superstitious - 1990s and New Pop with an Indie preference
- Good Rockin' Tonight - Classic Rock, single Mp3s and reviews
- Echoes In The Wind - Classic Rock, Folk and some soul
- Am, then FM - Classic Rock, 1970s Vinyl
Sunday, July 27, 2008
State of Shock, One Day as a Lion, Smashing Pumpkins

One Day as a Lion is a new band consisting of Rage Against the Machine's frontman Zack de la Rocha and the drummer of The Mars Volta, Jon Theodore. The band uses no guitar or bass, just simply the drums of Theodore and the vocals and electronic keyboards from Zack de la Rocha. They just released their first album on the 18th of this month. This is the first single from the album, "Wild International."
This next song really intrigued me. I first heard this song on the new watchmen movie trailer. I asked everyone I knew if they had any idea what this song was. After a little asking around and researching I found that the song was actually a slower version of the Smashing Pumpkins' "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning." I am really loving the slower version of the song.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
27/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part III
Some Hip Hop entries now, including some Spanish/ Latino HH blogs:
- A Bit of This and That - Hip Hop Discographies, Requests
- Beats and Blood - Alt. and Prog. Hip Hop, bits of Punk and Rock
- Beyond Commercial - Name says it all, quality US Hip Hop
- Boom Bap RAP - More quality US HH and bits of Alternative and progressive HH
- Casa do Rap -Good range of Latino Rap/ HH (Spanish)
- Original Underground Hip Hop - Classic US HH albums and recent ones
- Rap Cypher - Mainstream US HH (French)
- Voces del Ghetto - Some more Latino HH/ Rap (Spanish)
27/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part II
New section on Drum and Bass, GhettoTech and Jungle, featuring (and more to come):
- D N B Tracker - DNB, Breaks, Electronic (Russian)
- DJ Infinite's Blogspot -DNB, Break Beat, Hip Hop
- DJ Mix Downloads - DNB, Mixes, Ghetto Tech, Hip Hop
- Djiara Vanina - DNB, Ragge and Jungle
- DNB Share - Albums and Mixes
- Eklektro Breakbeat of the Week - Break Beat, Rave, Electro
27/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
Special request, a new lounge list featuring (and more to come):
- Chill Lounge Music - Electro Lounge, Ambient, Chill Out)
- Detour - Easy Listening, Classical, Retro)
- Easy Listening - Retro LP Longe, Instrumental
- Easy Listening and other Delights - Soft Latin Rock, Bossa Nova, Retro
- Easy Music - Lounge, Classical, Retro, Pop instrumental
- Lazar’s Corner - Eclectic Lounge
- Licorice Pizza - Retro Lounge LPs
- Music-Selector - Electro Lounge, Ambient, Chill Out
- Opus4 - Loungey Indie, Folk, Electro
- Zip your Rip - Retro LPs with Loungy Touch
26/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part III
- http://alapiscine.blogspot.com/ - Pop Rock, Prog. (French)
- http://www.aestoshombrestristes.blogspot.com/ - South American Rock (Spanish)
- http://abientotjespere.blogspot.com/- Vinyl rarities, World Music
- http://a-maquina-de-fazer-sonhos.blogspot.com/- Prog. Rock, Alt. Rock (Spanish)
- http://amonsieurwillyworld.blogspot.com/- Funk, Disco, Rare Hip Hop, Soul
- http://redkelly2.blogspot.com/ - Soul
- http://abcradionights.blogspot.com/- Classical Electronic
- http://absolutnoise.blogspot.com/ - Swedish Rock, lose MP3s
- http://acefaliamusical.blogspot.com/ - Alt./ Prog. Rock, Punk, Funk
26/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part II
- http://threethreefourfive.blogspot.com/ - Vinyl, 1970s Rock
- http://1000000milesaway.blogspot.com/ - Rock & Roll
- http://muxtape.com/- Not a Blog, but a collection of different free Mixes
- http://www.bubblegum-machine.com/- Rock & Roll (1960s, Pop Art, lose MP3s)
- http://cakeandpolka.blogspot.com/ - Bizarre Music, Well strange...
- http://crudcrud.blogspot.com/- Rare music, demo tapes
Friday, July 25, 2008
RUSH plays Tom Sawyer on ROCKBAND
In follow up to the RUSH post where they play the Colbert Report I never in a million years thought I'd see this, but this is the shit! RUSH plays thier own song, Tom Sawyer, on the game Rockband and FAIL!
26/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
- http://digitaleargasm.blogspot.com/ - Electronics, Mixes
- http://remixland.blogspot.com/ - Electronics, Club, Mixes
- http://gayjsmusicblog.blogspot.com/ - Mainstream Pop, House
- http://8-76.blogspot.com/ - Everything and remixes
- http://hayatbayat.blogspot.com/ - Indie (Turkish)
- http://disconap.blogspot.com/- Pop, Clips
- http://musicslut.blogspot.com - Indie, Clips, Rarities, Pop, Hip Hop
Thursday, July 24, 2008
25/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
- http://www.boxxmusic.blogspot.com/ - US mainstream Hip Hop, albums and MP3
- http://hiphoplongplay.blogspot.com/ - Ninja Tune label, UK Hip Hop and Funk
- http://aizulazuan.blogspot.com/ - Electronic, Techno, Deep House, Minimal
- http://ckoneck.blogspot.com/ - Mainstream Pop, Mixes
- http://under-the-radar-talents.blogspot.com/ - Pop, Lose MP3s
- http://vibe4me.blogspot.com/ - Electronic, Mixes, Ibiza House Music
24/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part II
- http://boardsofelectronica.blogspot.com/ - Electronic, Psychedelic Rock, Ambient, Techno, Trance
- http://djtrian.blogspot.com/ - Electronic, Trance, Minimal, Deep House
- http://axsblog.blogspot.com/ - Electronic, Techno, House
- http://strictlyriddim.blogspot.com/ - Acid, Techno, Experimental, Hip Hop
24/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
- http://sanpasquale.blogspot.com/ - US rap, disco, funk, old skool
- http://www.desolateones.com/ - Mainstream US Hip Hop, R&B
- http://www.58ent.blogspot.com/ - US Hip Hop, Mixes
- http://www.thatrealness.blogspot.com/ - US Hip Hop
- http://dealeur-de-hiphop.blogspot.com/ - US/ French Hip Hop (French)
- http://beatdoesitbetter.blogspot.com/- Hip Hop, Electro, Funk, Disco, Free Jazz
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Zakk Wylde rips National Anthem at Staples Center with Randy Rhodes Flying V
Zakk Wylde Shreds the National Anthem
Pretty bad ass...Zakk Wylde pays a little tribute to America and Randy Rhodes before a Los Angeles Kings hockey game at L.A.’s Staples Center. It sounds loud as hell and I'd love to have been there.
Zakk Wylde National Anthem Tab
Pretty bad ass...Zakk Wylde pays a little tribute to America and Randy Rhodes before a Los Angeles Kings hockey game at L.A.’s Staples Center. It sounds loud as hell and I'd love to have been there.
Zakk Wylde National Anthem Tab
23/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part III
- http://music-thingz.blogspot.com/ - Old skool Hip Hop and new Hip hop albums
- http://www.ironboblog.blogspot.com/ - Music from the Ninja Tunes label, Hip Hop and Jazz
- http://weguds.blogspot.com/ - Hip Hop, Trip Hop, Jazz, Break Beat, Two step, etc
- http://funkyssite.blogspot.com/ - Funk and Soul.
23/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part II
- http://etalonhiphop.blogspot.com/ - End of 90s Hip Hop records
- http://freebeatzmedia.blogspot.com/ - American mainstream Hip Hop
- http://qbmerlin.blogspot.com/ - All American Hip Hop
- http://oldschooljoint.blogspot.com/ - Older Hip Hop tracks
- http://killahbeast.blogspot.com/ - Hip Hop Mixes, Discographies
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Chiptunes, 8bits, Nintendo Music
Ceephax - Exidy Tours (2003)

01 Plusion
02 Exidy
03 Camelot Jostle
04 Rolls Royce
05 Cop '76
06 Nordic house
07 Hull Drum And Bass
08 Trolley service
09 Vladijenk
10 Northern spirit
11 Moor
12 City Collars
13 Baddow life
14 Essex remblance
15 Abbaye
Slagsmalsklubben - den svenske disco (2003)

Slagsmalsklubben - Boss for leader (2007)

01 Plusion
02 Exidy
03 Camelot Jostle
04 Rolls Royce
05 Cop '76
06 Nordic house
07 Hull Drum And Bass
08 Trolley service
09 Vladijenk
10 Northern spirit
11 Moor
12 City Collars
13 Baddow life
14 Essex remblance
15 Abbaye
Slagsmalsklubben - den svenske disco (2003)

1. | Övningsköra | 3:21 | ||
2. | Tjeckien, Slovakien Och Tillbaks Igen | 4:16 | ||
3. | Wellington Sears | 3:34 | ||
4. | VI Och Olle | 2:34 | ||
5. | Kinematografen | 1:29 | ||
6. | Svenska Tennis | 2:10 | ||
7. | Hit Me Hard | 2:54 | ||
8. | Rörmokarhäng | 3:17 | ||
9. | USSR | 3:35 | ||
10. | SMK Hittar Munspelet | 3:15 | ||
11. | I Don't Miss You Rävbur | 2:36 | ||
12. | Stora Farliga Rymdprojektet Går åt Pipan |
Slagsmalsklubben - Boss for leader (2007)

23/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
- http://blakslair.blogspot.com/ - Jazz and R&B
- http://thefreewave.blogspot.com/ - Everything
- http://hip-hop-blogs.blogspot.com/- List of different Hip Hop blogs
22/ 10/ 2008 Entries Part II
- http://60s70s80s90s00sofpowerpop.blogspot.com/ - (60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s Powerpop)
- http://powerpop.blogspot.com/ -(Powerpop)
- http://digivinyltal.blogspot.com/ - (Powerpop) (Spanish)
- http://bleedinout.blogspot.com/ - (Prog. Pop)
- http://powerpopcriminals.blogspot.com/ - (Powerpop)
- http://chocoreve.blogspot.com/ - (Power pop, Cult, World and Rock)
- www.maffeplaten.blogspot.com - (Rare, bizarre records)
22/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
- http://princessannmusic.blogspot.com/ - House and Pop mixes
- http://threehappysmileys.blogspot.com/ - Old Skool Techno
- http://oldskooltime.blogspot.com/ - Old Skool House
- http://datadelic.blogspot.com/ - Reggae
- http://rastaman-drumandbass.blogspot.com/ - Reggae D&B
- http://linkthebutler.blogspot.com/ - Psychedelic
- http://checxsoundsystem.blogspot.com/ - Everything
- http://musicologyfreedom.blogspot.com/ - Everything
Monday, July 21, 2008
21/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part II
- http://tybudhead.blogspot.com/ - British Hip Hop
- http://willforall.blogspot.com/ - Funk and R&B
Ra, The Razorblade Dolls, Sevendust

The Razorblade Dolls are an up and coming metal / industrial band formed in 2006. They recently released their newest album and are looking to gain more popularity. This is their first single that can now be heard through radio stations across America. It is called, "They Kill."
Sevendust is out on tour now with Alter Bridge and Soulidium. They recently released their seventh studio album "Chapter VII: Hope & Sorrow." This is another track from that album, entitled, "The Past." It is a bit softer than their other music. This song features Chris Daughtry, the lead singer from the band Daughtry.
21/ 07/ 2008 Entries Part I
- http://muziekexpress.wordpress.com/- Triphop (also Acid-jazz , Ambient, Electronic and Dance
- http://misturebamusical.blogspot.com/ - Electronic (also Acid Jazz, Trip Hop and Rock
- http://djuilson.blogspot.com/ - (Regga, Hip Hop, Soul)
- http://da-terror.blogspot.com/ - (Punk)
- http://rastaman-drumandbass.blogspot.com/ -(Reggae, Dub)
- http://elclubdelosmagios.blogspot.com/ - (Punk, Reggae and More)
- http://reggae--fred.blogspot.com/ - (Reggea)
- http://otwradio.blogspot.com/ - (Reggae, Dub, Podcast)
- http://isupplythecountrywithbutter.blogspot.com/ - (everything)
- http://tansing-at-the-control-dubrootsreggae.blogspot.com/ - (Dub, Roots Reggae)
- http://filereggae.blogspot.com/ - (Dub, Reggae)
- http://whocorkthedance.blogspot.com/ - (Dub, Roots Reggae)
- http://youandmeonajamboree.blogspot.com/ - (Reggae,Dub, Soul)
- http://mulambada.blogspot.com/- (Roots,Rock, Reggae)
- http://filthysick.blogspot.com/ - (Everything)
- http://www.ireggae.com/fansites.htm - (Reggae)
- http://itscomingoutofyourspeaker.blogspot.com/ - (Reggae, Dub and Other Genres)
- http://lifeonmarsjukebox.blogspot.com/ (Everything)
- http://whatilike-jp.blogspot.com/ - (everything on demand)
Thanks to http://bloggersdelite.blogspot.com/ for the entries.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Royal Bliss, Decyfer Down, Lo Pro

Decyfer Down is a Christian rock band that has had lots of success in the Christian to p music charts with four number one hits. The song I will be showing you today is the song they will be using to attempt to receive the fifth number one Christian hit song. Their newest album, "Crash," will be hitting stores on September 16th of this year. This song is entitled, "Crash."
Lo Pro is considered a very underrated underground band by many. Signed by Staind's Aaron Lewis back in 2003, they have been working their way up to mainstream and gaining many fans along the way. Many of the band members are already rock veterans, with Godsmack's orginal drummer, Tommy Stewart, being the most notable. This is my favorite song by them, "Not Me."
Rush plays on TV for the first time in 33 years! And on none better than Colbert Report

Awesome Rush Intro
Rush plays Tom Sawyer on The Colbert Report
Monday, July 14, 2008
Head, Shinedown, Staind

Shinedown recently released their newest album, "The Sound of Madness." I definitely recommend this album to everyone. They have a lot of good songs. Some of them are a harder rock such as "Devour," and some of them a softer rock, such as this song. Shinedown demonstrates that they can do both really well with this album. They are currently on tour with 12 Stones and Rev Theory. This song is entitled, "What a Shame."
Head is a band I have just recently come across. After hearing this song, I was gained interest in them. I scoured the internet for about an hour looking for more information about the band and was unsuccessful. If you have any information on the band feel free to contact me at admin@new-rock-music.com. In the meantime, here is the song I was talking about, "Flush."
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Santa Barbara's softcore ska-punkers Mad Caddies have been rollicking as a solid seven-piece since late summer 1995, but their musical origin dates back to the mid-'80s. Chuck Robertson (vocals), Mark Iversen (bass), Boz (drums), Eduardo Hernandez (trombone), Sascha Lazor (guitar), Carter Benson (guitar), and Keith Douglas (trumpet) were named the Ivy League early on, but grew tired of the constant comparisons to fellow California rockers Operation Ivy -- plus there was another band going by the same name, so the group went for a new moniker in 1996. Mad Caddies issued Quality Soft Core on Honest Don's Records in 1997. Duck & Cover (1998) and The Holiday Has Been Cancelled (2000) were both released on Fat Wreck Chords. Rock the Plank, which featured former Lagwagon drummer Derrick Plourde behind the kit, appeared in spring 2001 before the summer brought about a few lineup changes; Brian Flenniken joined the group on drums and Benson parted ways, leaving Mad Caddies as a sextet. Just One More followed in March 2003 and their exuberant live show was captured on Live from Toronto: Songs in the Key of Eh, recorded on St. Patrick's Day 2004. As the guys continued work on their proper follow-up to Just One More, Iversen announced his departure from the band and the Mad Caddies continued on as a quintet, eventually releasing their fifth full-length, Keep It Going, in May 2007. U.S. tour dates with Pepper followed before the gang headed across the pond for European shows. ~ MacKenzie Wilson, All Music Guide
MAD CADDIES - Quality Soft Core (1997)

"I'm So Alone" – 4:09
"Distress" – 3:49
"Cup O' Tea" – 1:44
"The Bell Tower" – 2:42
"No Se" – 2:41
"Crew Cut Chuck" – 1:56
"Goleta" – 1:24
"Big Brother" – 3:25
"LG's" – 3:20
"Polyester Khakis" – 2:20
"Preppie Girl" – 2:35
"Mum's The Word" – 1:38
"Sad Reggie" – 4:50
MAD CADDIES - Duck and Cover (1998)

Duck and Cover is probably Mad Caddies' best realease. No need to be a ska fan to love this record. All the songs are great, mixing ska, punk, reggae, or even country music with the banjo style (Monkey). This fast and energic music will make move your ass to the roof. Shake it baby!
"Road Rash" – 2:01
"The Gentleman" – 2:15
"No Hope" – 1:26
"One Shot" – 4:52
"Macho Nachos" – 3:17
"Monkeys" – 2:45
"Econoline" – 2:14
"The Joust" – 3:46
"Betty" – 3:21
"aPathetic" – 2:14
"Medium Unwell" – 3:03
"Popcorn" – 3:53
Mad Caddies - Duck & Cover - Rapidshare download HERE
Mad Caddies - The Holiday Has Been Cancelled (EP)

"Falling Down" – 3:09
"Nobody Wins At The Laundromat" – 1:59
"Something's Wrong At The Playground" – 2:10
"Destro" – 2:25
"S.O.S." – 3:12
Mad Caddies - The Holidays has been canceled - Rapidshare Download HERE
Mad Caddies - Rock the Plank (2001)

"Shaving Your Life" – 2:06
"Mary Melody" – 3:09
"B-Side" – 2:58
"Days Away" – 3:44
"Bridges" – 2:41
"We'll Start To Worry When The Cynics Start Believing" – 3:17
"Weird Beard" – 2:44
"Easy Cheese" – 2:17
"Hound Bound" – 3:38
"Depleted Salvo" – 2:59
"Chevy Novacaine" – 2:39
"Booze Cruise" – 2:25
"All American Badass" – 2:41
Mad Caddies - Rock The Plank - Rapidshare Download HERE
Mad Caddies - Just One More (2003)

"Drinking For 11" – 3:55
"Contraband" – 1:19
"Villains" – 2:14
"Silence" – 2:49
"Just One More" – 3:26
"Day By Day" – 2:47
"Leavin" – 2:59
"Rockupation" – 3:04
"Last Breath" – 3:21
"Spare Change?" – 3:09
"Riot" – 2:28
"10 West" – 3:05
"Good Intentions" – 3:04
"Wet Dog" – 3:09
"Game Show" – 3:19
Mad Caddies - Just One More - Rapidshare Download HERE
Mad Caddies - Keep It Going (2007)

"The Dirge"
"State Of Mind"
"Without You"
"Lay Your Head Down"
"Tired Bones"
"Don't Go"
"Pyramid Scheme"
"Souls For Sale"
"Riding For A Fall"
"Whatcha Gonna Do"
"End Dirge"
Mad Caddies - The Songs In The Key Of Eh (Live In Toronto - 2004)

01 Intro
02 Macho Nachos
03 10 West
04 Leavin
05 Weird Beard
06 No Hope
07 Contraband
08 Monkeys
09 Days Away/The Bell Tower/Popcorn/Days Away
10 The Gentlemen
11 Villains
12 Last Breath
13 Mary Melody
14 Drinking For 11
15 Preppie Girl
16 Mum's The Word
17 Road Rash
18 Silence
19 All American Badass
MAD CADDIES - The Songs In The Key Of Eh (Live In Toronto) - RAPIDSHARE DOWNLOAD
Pass: FcBaselFan
MAD CADDIES - Quality Soft Core (1997)
MAD CADDIES - Quality Soft Core (1997)
"I'm So Alone" – 4:09
"Distress" – 3:49
"Cup O' Tea" – 1:44
"The Bell Tower" – 2:42
"No Se" – 2:41
"Crew Cut Chuck" – 1:56
"Goleta" – 1:24
"Big Brother" – 3:25
"LG's" – 3:20
"Polyester Khakis" – 2:20
"Preppie Girl" – 2:35
"Mum's The Word" – 1:38
"Sad Reggie" – 4:50
MAD CADDIES - Duck & Cover (1998)
MAD CADDIES - Duck and Cover (1998)
Duck and Cover is probably Mad Caddies' best realease. No need to be a ska fan to love this record. All the songs are great, mixing ska, punk, reggae, or even country music with the banjo style (Monkey). This fast and energic music will make move your ass to the roof. Shake it baby!
"Road Rash" – 2:01
"The Gentleman" – 2:15
"No Hope" – 1:26
"One Shot" – 4:52
"Macho Nachos" – 3:17
"Monkeys" – 2:45
"Econoline" – 2:14
"The Joust" – 3:46
"Betty" – 3:21
"aPathetic" – 2:14
"Medium Unwell" – 3:03
"Popcorn" – 3:53
Mad Caddies - Duck & Cover - Rapidshare download HERE
MAD CADDIES - The Holiday has been canceled
Mad Caddies - The Holiday Has Been Cancelled (EP)
"Falling Down" – 3:09
"Nobody Wins At The Laundromat" – 1:59
"Something's Wrong At The Playground" – 2:10
"Destro" – 2:25
"S.O.S." – 3:12
Mad Caddies - The Holidays has been canceled - Rapidshare Download HERE
MAD CADDIES - Rock the Plank (2001)
Mad Caddies - Rock the Plank (2001)
"Shaving Your Life" – 2:06
"Mary Melody" – 3:09
"B-Side" – 2:58
"Days Away" – 3:44
"Bridges" – 2:41
"We'll Start To Worry When The Cynics Start Believing" – 3:17
"Weird Beard" – 2:44
"Easy Cheese" – 2:17
"Hound Bound" – 3:38
"Depleted Salvo" – 2:59
"Chevy Novacaine" – 2:39
"Booze Cruise" – 2:25
"All American Badass" – 2:41
Mad Caddies - Rock The Plank - Rapidshare Download HERE
MAD CADDIES - Just one more (2003)
Mad Caddies - Just One More (2003)
"Drinking For 11" – 3:55
"Contraband" – 1:19
"Villains" – 2:14
"Silence" – 2:49
"Just One More" – 3:26
"Day By Day" – 2:47
"Leavin" – 2:59
"Rockupation" – 3:04
"Last Breath" – 3:21
"Spare Change?" – 3:09
"Riot" – 2:28
"10 West" – 3:05
"Good Intentions" – 3:04
"Wet Dog" – 3:09
"Game Show" – 3:19
Mad Caddies - Just One More - Rapidshare Download HERE
MAD CADDIES - Keep it Going (2007)
Mad Caddies - Keep It Going (2007)
"The Dirge"
"State Of Mind"
"Without You"
"Lay Your Head Down"
"Tired Bones"
"Don't Go"
"Pyramid Scheme"
"Souls For Sale"
"Riding For A Fall"
"Whatcha Gonna Do"
"End Dirge"
MAD CADDIES - The Songs In The Key Of Eh (Live in Toronto - 2004)
Mad Caddies - The Songs In The Key Of Eh (Live In Toronto - 2004)
01 Intro
02 Macho Nachos
03 10 West
04 Leavin
05 Weird Beard
06 No Hope
07 Contraband
08 Monkeys
09 Days Away/The Bell Tower/Popcorn/Days Away
10 The Gentlemen
11 Villains
12 Last Breath
13 Mary Melody
14 Drinking For 11
15 Preppie Girl
16 Mum's The Word
17 Road Rash
18 Silence
19 All American Badass
MAD CADDIES - The Songs In The Key Of Eh (Live In Toronto) - RAPIDSHARE DOWNLOAD
Pass: FcBaselFan
Friday, July 11, 2008
Amparanoia - La vida te da (2006) - Rapidshare Download

"All tracks were recorded with everyone playing together at the same time," announces Amparo Sanchez in the sleeve notes for the latest Amparanoia album, and that sums up her approach. Sanchez is one of the more boisterous and jovial exponents of the mestizo style that has shaken up Spanish pop, thanks partly to the influence of her friend Manu Chao. She leads a Spanish-Cuban band who set out to mix Latin styles with anything from reggae to hip-hop, and they are more interested in capturing the live energy and enthusiasm of their music than in subtle studio technique.
Their variety is impressive, with anything from boleros to a furious, brassy clash of reggae and Mexico, with lyrics in Spanish, French and English. Inevitably, it's the upbeat tracks that work better than the slinky ballads. The opening songs feature the Amparanoia band, but the real surprises come in the four "bonus tracks" in which Sanchez is joined by friends from Macaco or Ojos de Brujo for the furious dub reggae/ hip-hop workout on Jungle 3 or an unlikely Spanish take on Bob Marley's Redemption Song. Impressive - but surely even better heard live. (Guardian Review,6 Mar 2006)
1- La vida te da
2- You Know What I men
3- Sacaron agua
4- Tiempo pa' mi
5. Me voy lejos
6. Nada
7- Somnis
8. Antes de hoy
9. Little Think
10- Valkan-Mex
11- Ven
12- Permites madrecita
13- Jungle 3 "La realidad"
14- Redemption Song
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Story of the Year, The Grammar Club, Family Force 5

The Grammar Club is a band that I have featured before. If you missed the post, The Grammar Club is an up and coming band with a unique style of music that is catchy and grasps your attention. After listening to their complete album which they allow you to download free on their website. This is "balloon flight."
Along with Story of the Year, this band, Family Force 5, put on an amazing show. The Family Force 5 show was probably the most fun I have had in a while. Their music is great to both dance, mosh, and just generally rock out to. It's extremely versatile and just makes for an overall great show. This particular song is my favorite that they played. It's entitled "Never Let Me Go."
Monday, July 7, 2008
Trey Anastasio, Mike Gordon and Jon Fishman Jam at Rothbury Festival

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Econoline Crush, Slipknot, Puddle of Mud

Some of you older viewers might recognize this next band from around a decade ago. Econoline Crush, the second band for today, just recently got back together after close to a six year break. They worked diligently for about a year on their newest album, which was released on January 15th of this year. The album is entitled, "Ignite." This is my favorite song which also happens to be their first single, "Surefire."
This last band, Slipknot, was just recently featured. The last time I posted about them was for their first single for their upcoming album due out on the 26th of August. Turns out they released two of their songs from the album, so I decided that I would post the other one. I like this a lot better than the previous one. The song is called "Psychosocial."
Friday, July 4, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The White Stripes, Scouting for Girls, Coheed and Cambria

This next band, Scouting for Girls, is a London based up and coming band. Their self-titled debut album hit #1 in England. Their music is now traveling to the states where they are also becoming big. Their name actually comes from a play on words of the Scouting for Boys handbook, which provides young boys on good citizenship, first published in 1908. This is my favorite song from them, "She's so lovely."
The last band today is also one that I did not like upon first hearing. Their singers voice is oddly high for a man, and their looks are a bit wacky, and dare I say out of date...if it was ever in. The band I am talking about is Coheed and Cambria. Though the singing is a little wacky, I can't help but give in to the music and enjoy it. It really grows on you. This is their newest single, "The Suffering."
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