New load of blogs decicated to soundtrack/ scores from cult, mainstream and class movies:
- Soundtrack Sharity - Good blog for recent and older soundtracks
- The Inferno Music Crypt - Specialised in Horror movie soundtracks
- Nightchiller rare music - Rare cult soundtracks
- The Manchester Morgue - Cult movie soundtracks among other things
- Original Score - Mainstream movie scores
- Soundtracks from Action heroes- Soundtracks of movies with action heroes
- You don't have to visit this blog- Mainly TV and Movie scores
- 80s Soundtracks and more - Seemingly paused blog with 80s movie scores
- Horrorphile's Jukebox - Horror and cult scores
- Melancholia Subobscura - Rare movie scores of rare movies
- Soundtracks Galore- All kinds of movie scores
- Soundtracks Lover - Indie movie soundtrack blog