There are so many bands on the radio that have this sickeningly popular hit that drives people mad (good and bad) and then are pretty much never heard from again. Well, if you were one of the lucky one's who bought
Marcy Playground's self titled "
Marcy Playground" you will notice that the album's brilliance was most definitely overshadowed by one song...and here's a bands dichotomous relationship with that one song that peg's them as "that band that did that one song...you know?" for the rest of their lives...on one hand you have a hit single that will pretty much put a nice check in your mailbox for 20 years to come, but with that comes the pressure to repeat which in my opinion Marcy Playground did with "
Shapeshifter" except no single. Who gives a fuck about the single? The album as a whole is great. And to my surprise there has been an album out for quite some time entitled "
MP3" from the Playground that I'm just getting into (the first song is a RIPPER by the way)...this is why Top 40 Sucks. It takes the art of a band...sucks it dry...expects the band to recreate brilliance for the non-musical masses in order to turn art into money. If that doesn't happen...well into the dumpster you go. Top 40 Sucks.
P.S. There must be some fans out there...check out the ratings on Amazon for the previously 3 mentioned albums.