Read all about it!
She's like a Woody Guthrie with boobs.
This is awesome. In the same week that Radiohead, NIN, and several other major mainstream artists announce they are going their own way from huge labels as a whole, and are finally putting some interesting spin into the new media pitch, aging (does she actually age or stay young with child blood?) music icon Madonna signs a bazzillion dollar deal with Live Nation for three records. See they aren't a label. But they'll be just like a label who gives her a taste of ticket sales. Apparently she's already worth 325 million.
That's balls. For those who don't know Live Nation, they sell concert tickets mostly promote gigs and exploit student wages/labor around UVA. There must be some irony somewhere in that the poor woman who was just sued by the RIAA for a quarter of a million is a big Madonna fan. She's gotta be. They should have Madonna come pick up the lifelong payments super fan will be making. Really exciting groundbreaking stuff here.
Like a vampire.