Friday, December 7, 2007

Taco Leg Tour = Another Great Way to Keep from Doing your Day Job

Howdy yall,

Shameless self promotion, but not only does the Top 40 suck, so do the pricks in Taco Leg... so go out and suck with them.

Eastcoasters Rejoice for a A Very Taco Leg Christmas Tour:

12/23 - Boston, MA - The Middle East
12/26 - Ithaca, NY - The Rongovian Embassy
12/28 - Brooklyn, NY - Luna Lounge (w/ the Sutras)
12/29 - Philly, PA - The Fire

There are a couple secret shows and private parties (Manhatten and Philly) along the way for more time to be wasted, get wasted, and hike yo pants up till they high-waisted. So holler if you want in.

For more tunes not on the top40 that kick ass, check these cats out:
The Sutras