El Ticknor brought to my attention a sweet article where David Byrne interviews Thom Yorke about the real value of music and how Radiohead ended up offering "In Rainbows" online at whatever somebody offered to pay for it...There are a ton of great audio clips of both David Byrne and Thom Yorke talking and joking around.
"It turns out the gambit was a savvy business move. In the first month, according to comScore, more than a million fans downloaded In Rainbows. Roughly 40 percent of them paid for it, at an average of $6 each, netting the band nearly $3 million. Plus, since it owns the master recording (a first for the band), Radiohead was also able to license the album for a record label to distribute the old-fashioned way — on CD."
By the way...ya can't get the
"In Rainbows" digital album via whatever you feel like bidding anymore. Ya gotta get the "discbox" on the site or get the CD in stores Jan 1st, 2008