After the massive success of their big breakthrough album "Ok Computer" one might expect Radiohead to sit back and try to capitalize on it's success with a clone album. Instead the band gets even more experimental with "Kid A". They drop much of the guitar out of the mix and instead focus even more on electronic music. The result is another winner that is a treat to listen to on a good stereo system or especially with headphones. From it's opening line "today I woke up sucking on a lemon", to it's closing notes the album is another testament to modern intelligent progressive rock. The band even ad a horn section to the mix in songs like "A National Anthem" to mix it up even further. Although "OK Computer" remains the band's masterpiece I like this one almost as well. It is another step forward in the evolution of Radiohead.-- Amazon User Review
01. Everything In Its Right Place
02. Kid A
03. The National Anthem
04. How To Disappear Completely
05. Treefingers
06. Optimistic
07. In Limbo
08. Idioteque
09. Morning Bell
10. Motion Picture Soundtrack
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