I remember getting so excited walking up to the 'ol strip mall knowing that I was going to a wonderland of new music, black light posters, endless rows of rock concert t-shirts, studded wrist bands, smoking paraphernalia, band stickers, the scent of incense in the air, and the latest big rock band blaring over the speakers in every corner of the store.
Walking into a record store was a bombardment of nearly all senses and always created a mood of rebellion, excitement, and wonder. What's this album sound like? Look! It's my favorite rock band on a black t-shirt! In fact they're ALL black t-shirts! Oh MAN, Look who's coming in concert next month! Who's that hot metal chick over there looking at Cinderella's latest record? Who's this playing over the loudspeakers right now? Check out this pile of free local mag's and bands promoting their up coming show at the local dive. I think I need some incense to cover up the smell in my room in case I get a girl to come over...HA! Fat chance!
But, these are things I remember and used to get so excited over when I made the trip to the record store. And actually, I just got that feeling again when I walked into Tower Records today. It was great! But I walked in knowing that this is probably one of the last times I ever step foot inside an old school record store and what actually drew me in was the "going out of business" sale. 25-30% off EVERYTHING. Sad. And I'm sure in a few weeks the percentage will go up to 40-50% off until it's ALL GONE. And then what? Is this a prelude to all brick and mortar music stores going out of business due to iTunes and the proliferation of online music stores such as Amazon?
We've seen vinyl turn to tape. Tape turn to CD. Is it now the time for CD's to turn to Mp3's? Is this good bye to tangible media, cover art, lining inserts, and "thank you's" from the band? Will music become what the ATM card is to the paper dollar? We know it's there, but we can't SEE it? My gut feeling says it's bound to happen in our lifetime and that kids of today and tomorrow are going to miss out on the great music experience known as the trip to the record store only to be replaced by "Come over to my house and you can pillage my mp3 collection".
Friday, October 27, 2006
The Great Tower Falls - Does the demise of Tower Records signal the end of the Record Store as we know it!?
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Les Claypool - Bass master plays Drums and Guitar on latest album Of Whales and Woes?
Not only has Les Claypool (of Primus fame) mastered the bass guitar but on his latest solo effort, Of Whales and Woes, he lays down some very proficient drums and guitar work. Guitar, I can see as it is so closely related to the bass, but drums? Yes. Excellent drumming by the lanky, fishin', redneck from El Sobrante #1 not to mention extra sick bass playin' by the multi-talented musician. He is accompanied by some awesome tenor sax work by Skerik, vibes by Mike Dillon and last, but not least Gabby La La on Sitar.
OH! And I can't forget "Back Off Turkey" featuring family members Cage Claypool on Percussion and Lena Claypool on Marimba!
You can imagine that this combination of unique musicians makes for some incredibly interesting listening to say the least. "Of Whales and Woes" never falls short at any one point in the album and is a funky some' bitch with Les in full redneck vox. A must have in the 'ol music box.
Check out a great DVD on Les Claypool - 5 Gallons of Diesel
Buy Of Whales and Woe
Monday, October 23, 2006
Smashing Pumpkins - New music on it's way, but who's actually going to play on it?
(In sarcastic tone) Well, well, well...look who's back...it's, uh, it's Billy Corgan of course, but who is that in the corner who just spoke up? Is that? D'arcy? noooooo. James Iha? Wrong again...It couldn't be? Yes! I do think it is! It's Jimmy Chamberlin! My favorite (and personally I think the most talented) Pumpkin has teamed up with Corgan to record a new album.
But who is going to play bass on the album? Well, most likely Corgan of course since he monopolized the low end on the first few albums anyway. And who is going to play rhythm guitar? HIGHLY doubtful James Iha...I would say Corgan will assume these duties since he made Iha sit on the sidelines in the past as well (because there wasn't enough room in the control room for anyone but Corgan's ego and the engineer - and I heard the engineer now suffers from claustrophobia as he barely had room to breathe.)
Now you may be asking, why is Mahsheet so bitter in his tone while speaking about a new Smashing Pumpkins album? I mean after all "Gish" is on his all time fav's list of best albums?
Here is why. IMO, everything after "Gish" absolutely blows and I hold Billy Corgan directly responsible for ruining a great band and compromising his own abilities to write crappy songs instead of forward thinking, brutal, explosive, guitar ripping rock and roll music. A little taste of success and WHAM! Billy forgets how to play his guitar...alienates his band...tells many a fan off...and on top of it all produces Courtney Love's albums. As if we really need more Courtney Love in our world. ESPECIALLY, with Corgan's new found pop schema that ensures success at a mass populous level. I think I have it right here: Cool intro into whiney but angry verse, get into chorus and repeat 125 times with each line getting more whiney (maybe scream), second verse, week solo, chorus, techno type bridge, chorus, verse, chorus...repeat with next song.
Blah...hopefully with Corgan's new found lust for music he remembers where he came from...his guitar, his band mates, and his fans.
Here are some Jimmy Chamberlin quotes from the Smashing Pumpkins MySpace music blog announcing his involvement in the record.
JC Music Blog 1
JC Music Blog 2
OH, Jimmy...you are a great drummer! But all that stuff about shooting stars and such sounds a little like you may be dippin' in the sauce again.
The ONLY Smashing Pumpkins album worth getting IMO: Gish
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Enough is Enough
You people are so ungrateful. It sickens me to read that tag board everyday with the nasty thing people say about this blog. I know posts have been slow but has it ever occured to you that i have a FUCKING LIFE!? Im a senior in high school so im swamped with work and college apps and the last thing I need to do is this blog, but I still work on it. Im not a fucking computer automatically updating the site daily with the first things that come out, and like I said, I DONT POST OLD SHIT! So if you dont like this blog, LEAVE! There a tons of other blogs out there and enough under the Links sections for you to visit. Ive had enough with all you pieces of shit and the next horribly negative comment I see on the tag board, its being removed.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Great New Music Podcast Station - Enemy Radio!
Enemy Radio is on the right track. Here are 2 very good music podcast's that contain about 30 min each of very interesting (and good) new bands. Enemy Radio has a mission to "Stop Music Elitism!!!". We like that slogan here at Top 40 Sucks!
Enemy Elite's "About Us":
Enemy Radio is a commercial-free, not-for-profit podcast. Is is run by die hard music fans in an attempt to spread the word on new bands and music. If one person hears our transmitions and is able to find something that they like, then we are doing our job. Music is not to be only in the hands of an elite few, it is for everyone. The only dilemma with that fact is that the majority of listeners rely on mtv or their local radio stations to get their daily dosages. These media have long been tainted with corporate influences and are no longer of use to us. It is through friends, word of mouth, myspace and the internet in which fans can find music that still means something, to someone. To find info on all of the bands showcased in our podcasts, check out our blog section. If you have any questions or know something we don't feel free to send us a message, we need the help just as much as anyone else. You can subscribe to Enemy Radio on iTunes or download direct from our website - www.enemyelite.com/radio.html
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Beck - The Information - (music reviews)
"1, 2, You know what to do" and "Elevator Music" kicks in on the new Beck album. It's good. It picks up where Guero left off. A little more organic sounding. Not quite as whacky (until the 11 minute closing track "The Horrible Fanfare/Landslide/Exoskeleton"). Beck and Nigel Godrich are credited with most of the instruments on the album (including both on Speak'n'spell, and you know you want one). I like Nigel Godrich's production. He did a great job with Paul McCartney and Thom Yorke's solo thing. This is his 4th album with Beck (Mutations, Sea Change, Guero). The songs don't make a huge impact on first listening, but it's growing. No break out huge single really. "I Think I'm In Love" might be the one. The packaging and the accompanying DVD probably made the biggest impact. The CD package is totally blank grid paper. It comes with a sheet of stickers. The DVD has a lo-fi video for each song. I watched the whole albumn first. Very cool.
Check out the album: The Information
Eddie Van Halen's "The Gathering" Party - w/ Porn Stars?
"The Gathering" is a party held by rock music ledged Edward Van Halen in celebration of the new adult film release from Eddie's friend Michael Ninn's porn flick...I mean "adult film" entitled "Sacred Sin". Eddie Van Halen hosted the party at his house as well as offered his abode as the place where the adult film was...well...filmed. (I hope he cleaned all the apolstry after the shooting was done for the party...and come to think of it...again after the party).
Eddie's party was invite-only (of course) of which many were Porn Stars...I mean "adult industry" folk, along with music industry hub-bub's, and rumored actors Owen Wilson, Shannon Elizabeth, and James Woods. What's up with the convergence of Rock and Porn these days? I guess it seems a natural fit when you think about it.
The house was lit with hundreds of candles, littered with beautiful wet women who just got out of the pool, open bar areas, and cocktail waitresses passing out g-string panties and shots of tequila, and to top it off...circus acrobats hanging from the ceiling doing flips and tricks all while in scantily clad attire. Now THAT sounds like a heck of a party! And that's just the beginning...
Eddie had a stage set up in the backyard where he played a 40 minute set with Eric Dover of Jellyfish and Slash's Snakepit along with former Motley Crue singer John Corabi. This was one of Eddie's only performances since Van Halen's last tour in 2004. I wish I had an invite!
1.) Eruption
2.) Cathedral
3.) Rebel Yell
4.) Jump
5.) Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love
6.) You Really Got Me
7.) Panama
*.) And a Short Jam to end it
It was said that EVH played excellent...flying scissor kicks and all! It was also mentioned by party goers that Eddie was a polite, fun, and gracious host the entire evening with his outrageous party going down in Hollywood history. In fact, this party was so insane that we will be able to see footage from the party on Pay Per View!
Well, I guess there is life after Van Halen III w/ Gary Cherone! Go Eddie!
Check out this sweet book about Eddie in the GOOD 'ol days: Van Halen 101
Eddie's party was invite-only (of course) of which many were Porn Stars...I mean "adult industry" folk, along with music industry hub-bub's, and rumored actors Owen Wilson, Shannon Elizabeth, and James Woods. What's up with the convergence of Rock and Porn these days? I guess it seems a natural fit when you think about it.
The house was lit with hundreds of candles, littered with beautiful wet women who just got out of the pool, open bar areas, and cocktail waitresses passing out g-string panties and shots of tequila, and to top it off...circus acrobats hanging from the ceiling doing flips and tricks all while in scantily clad attire. Now THAT sounds like a heck of a party! And that's just the beginning...
Eddie had a stage set up in the backyard where he played a 40 minute set with Eric Dover of Jellyfish and Slash's Snakepit along with former Motley Crue singer John Corabi. This was one of Eddie's only performances since Van Halen's last tour in 2004. I wish I had an invite!
1.) Eruption
2.) Cathedral
3.) Rebel Yell
4.) Jump
5.) Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love
6.) You Really Got Me
7.) Panama
*.) And a Short Jam to end it
It was said that EVH played excellent...flying scissor kicks and all! It was also mentioned by party goers that Eddie was a polite, fun, and gracious host the entire evening with his outrageous party going down in Hollywood history. In fact, this party was so insane that we will be able to see footage from the party on Pay Per View!
Well, I guess there is life after Van Halen III w/ Gary Cherone! Go Eddie!
Check out this sweet book about Eddie in the GOOD 'ol days: Van Halen 101
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
RE EVH: So I guess you haven't seen...
For more info about Eddie's foray into porn click here.
He also had a porn party (click the photo for info):
Another Book on Eddie when he was...well...good: Eddie Van Halen: Know the Man, Play the Music (Fretmaster)
What happened to Eddie Van Halen?
Remember Eddie when he ripped???
I think we've all seen the 5150 solo, but here is a look at Eddie
still in his prime, but with SHORT hair! This is when he switched from the home made built red, white, and black Kramer that we've all come to know and love to the Peavey Wolfgang Eddie Van Halen model guitar. Peavey!? Anyway, let's just forget about Van Halen III and Gary Cherone and remember the good 'ol days when Eddie's rippin' guitar lines, finger tappin', and his "MAN, isn't this the coolest thing you've ever heard?" SMILE!
I think Eddie could make a come back if a few things happened.
1.) Lose the chorus on the guitar and any Peavy related equipment.Man his super processed sound is like a razor cutting into my brain.
2.) Let's see him pick up a Les Paul Custom and put it through his MXR Phase 90 pedal and back into his modded Marshal heads he used to use. Leave the Kramer in the case at The Hard Rock Cafe. Time for a new guitar...I've never seen him play a Les Paul (except that tiny guitar on "Little Guitars")
3.) Screw getting a singer. Leave Diamond Dave to his weirdness.
4.) Go instrumental songs only...not like Eric Johnson or Steve Via where the guitar is singing, but create stuff like "Cathedral", Intro to Little Guitars", and of course "Eruption".
5.) Get back with Valerie Burtenellie...or a really young hottie that looks like her to get him pepped up (I LOVED Valerie Burtenelli in the old days!)
Then, and only then will I be able to look past Van Halen III...
2 of the BEST VH albums ever made (IMO): Women and Children First
Monday, October 9, 2006
The Hold Steady - Boys and Girls in America (music review - and win a guitar!)
First thing that comes to mind: Bruce Springsteen.
Second thing that comes to mind: The band rocks but the vocals are buried.
Lastly, damn Les Paul's sound great cranked straight through an amp (go win one - click the pic above).
There is a lot of buzz around this band. Rolling Stone magazine raves and raves about The Hold Steady's music. ME? Eh, it's good. It drives. It's extremely American...I'm not sure what that means exactly, but it gives me the feeling of being back in Indiana drinking with my friends and cousins....gettin' in trouble. Which is good! It's just that every song sort of has this same story telling vibe that can get a bit stale really quick. There's only so many times you can hear "The boys are back in town".
If ya want, check out Boys and Girls in America
Thursday, October 5, 2006
The Mars Volta - Amputechture - Music or Mayhem? (album reviews)
I don't think I could ever say it better myself: THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MARS VOLTA'S NEWEST MUSIC RELEASE - AMPUTECHTURE
If you didn't really feel like clicking another link (I know, I'm lazy as hell too) then here is a quick synopsis of Amputechture.
10% Music
90% Mayhem
TOTAL 100% Disappointment
Being a Prog Rock fan I really do respect The Mars Volta...and at one time, even loved everything they did and stood for. I mean it's really hard to walk the fine line of producing quality, on the edge music with out making people scratch their heads and say, huh!?.
I mean, a couple of drinks more and Mingus could have lost us all...which is what the latest music release from The Mars Volta did for me. They lost me. I mean I'm CONFUSED...When I listen to this album I actually feel like I'm in a maze running in the direction I think is the end only to find a very large wall of bushes with no where to go.
Just when I get some very intriguing, high energy explosion (that The Mars Volta does SO well)...I get pummeled by a 12 foot rouge wave and end up back in the washing machine not knowing which way is up only to eventually feel like I've passed on to very light elevator'esq music.
Here's a good live video showing their explosiveness (from a few years ago). Is that the dude from American Idol on keys!!!?
Monday, October 2, 2006
Cover Art Issue
I am so sick and tired of seeing other blogs take cover art that I MADE and cpmpletly cut off the tag at the bottom. It work really hard to make those covers and and very proud of them. If I see ONE more blog that does it im gonna have to put a HUGE stamp across the center of every cover I make, I know it sucks but i dont know what else to do. People need to learn to respect other peoples work
Tom Petty Live at The Greek Theatre, Berkeley, Ca. - Frank Black Opens - (concert reviews)
I'd like to get something out of the way so I can spend time on the positive, because what I'm about to say ain't good...and I'm talkin' to you there, Frankie. You were bad. There it is. You were just plain un-inspired and...Bad. What's the deal? Bad day? Bad mood? Bad drugs? You know what's bad??? The musicians you picked to back you up...except your drummer. He missed a few endings, but was visibily into it and rockin' out. While on the other hand you are opening up for TOM PETTY and The HEARTBREAKERS and you didn't seem to be into it in the least! And neither did your guitar and bass player judging by their pitchy vocal harmonies and loose playing. I partly came to see you there Frankie and you let me down. But one bad show does not a bad musician make...I still love ya'. OH! You gotta make another Teenager of the Year. The 3 chord live to 2 track type stuff is getting moldy.
OK! On to the good stuff!
Boy oh boy did I receive a musical treat. I've always been a fan of Tom Petty, but not die hard by any means. Ya know, you like the tunes you hear but rarely buy an album. I figured I needed to see him once before he retires. Much like when I saw Aerosmith and The Rolling Stones.
But man, what a great show! Every song was great and The Heartbreakers are so friggin' solid they had The Greek in an absolute uproar for over 2 hours. It was like every song was a musical encore. AN THEN WHAT HAPPENS!!!? Stevie Nicks joins Petty and the Heartbreakers on stage for "Stop Draggin' my Heart Around"! It was an amazing moment to say the least. The crowd, as well as I, went nuts! She was perfect...great voice, sexy, and dressed like an angel.
So to say the least, if you've never seen Tom Petty before, now's the time. He only performs a few songs from the new album (which is a good thing), puts on a great show, and pulls out great guest acts.
I'm not gonna ruin the sweet duet of Petty and Nicks Live so here is the original music video for Stop Draggin' my Heart Around. This is a great video...old school rock!
New Tom Petty: Highway Companion
The BEST Frank Black album ever! Teenager of the Year
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