I'd like to get something out of the way so I can spend time on the positive, because what I'm about to say ain't good...and I'm talkin' to you there, Frankie. You were bad. There it is. You were just plain un-inspired and...Bad. What's the deal? Bad day? Bad mood? Bad drugs? You know what's bad??? The musicians you picked to back you up...except your drummer. He missed a few endings, but was visibily into it and rockin' out. While on the other hand you are opening up for TOM PETTY and The HEARTBREAKERS and you didn't seem to be into it in the least! And neither did your guitar and bass player judging by their pitchy vocal harmonies and loose playing. I partly came to see you there Frankie and you let me down. But one bad show does not a bad musician make...I still love ya'. OH! You gotta make another Teenager of the Year. The 3 chord live to 2 track type stuff is getting moldy.
OK! On to the good stuff!
Boy oh boy did I receive a musical treat. I've always been a fan of Tom Petty, but not die hard by any means. Ya know, you like the tunes you hear but rarely buy an album. I figured I needed to see him once before he retires. Much like when I saw Aerosmith and The Rolling Stones.
But man, what a great show! Every song was great and The Heartbreakers are so friggin' solid they had The Greek in an absolute uproar for over 2 hours. It was like every song was a musical encore. AN THEN WHAT HAPPENS!!!? Stevie Nicks joins Petty and the Heartbreakers on stage for "Stop Draggin' my Heart Around"! It was an amazing moment to say the least. The crowd, as well as I, went nuts! She was perfect...great voice, sexy, and dressed like an angel.
So to say the least, if you've never seen Tom Petty before, now's the time. He only performs a few songs from the new album (which is a good thing), puts on a great show, and pulls out great guest acts.
I'm not gonna ruin the sweet duet of Petty and Nicks Live so here is the original music video for Stop Draggin' my Heart Around. This is a great video...old school rock!
New Tom Petty: Highway Companion
The BEST Frank Black album ever! Teenager of the Year