(In sarcastic tone) Well, well, well...look who's back...it's, uh, it's Billy Corgan of course, but who is that in the corner who just spoke up? Is that? D'arcy? noooooo. James Iha? Wrong again...It couldn't be? Yes! I do think it is! It's Jimmy Chamberlin! My favorite (and personally I think the most talented) Pumpkin has teamed up with Corgan to record a new album.
But who is going to play bass on the album? Well, most likely Corgan of course since he monopolized the low end on the first few albums anyway. And who is going to play rhythm guitar? HIGHLY doubtful James Iha...I would say Corgan will assume these duties since he made Iha sit on the sidelines in the past as well (because there wasn't enough room in the control room for anyone but Corgan's ego and the engineer - and I heard the engineer now suffers from claustrophobia as he barely had room to breathe.)
Now you may be asking, why is Mahsheet so bitter in his tone while speaking about a new Smashing Pumpkins album? I mean after all "Gish" is on his all time fav's list of best albums?
Here is why. IMO, everything after "Gish" absolutely blows and I hold Billy Corgan directly responsible for ruining a great band and compromising his own abilities to write crappy songs instead of forward thinking, brutal, explosive, guitar ripping rock and roll music. A little taste of success and WHAM! Billy forgets how to play his guitar...alienates his band...tells many a fan off...and on top of it all produces Courtney Love's albums. As if we really need more Courtney Love in our world. ESPECIALLY, with Corgan's new found pop schema that ensures success at a mass populous level. I think I have it right here: Cool intro into whiney but angry verse, get into chorus and repeat 125 times with each line getting more whiney (maybe scream), second verse, week solo, chorus, techno type bridge, chorus, verse, chorus...repeat with next song.
Blah...hopefully with Corgan's new found lust for music he remembers where he came from...his guitar, his band mates, and his fans.
Here are some Jimmy Chamberlin quotes from the Smashing Pumpkins MySpace music blog announcing his involvement in the record.
JC Music Blog 1
JC Music Blog 2
OH, Jimmy...you are a great drummer! But all that stuff about shooting stars and such sounds a little like you may be dippin' in the sauce again.
The ONLY Smashing Pumpkins album worth getting IMO: Gish