I don't think I could ever say it better myself: THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MARS VOLTA'S NEWEST MUSIC RELEASE - AMPUTECHTURE
If you didn't really feel like clicking another link (I know, I'm lazy as hell too) then here is a quick synopsis of Amputechture.
10% Music
90% Mayhem
TOTAL 100% Disappointment
Being a Prog Rock fan I really do respect The Mars Volta...and at one time, even loved everything they did and stood for. I mean it's really hard to walk the fine line of producing quality, on the edge music with out making people scratch their heads and say, huh!?.
I mean, a couple of drinks more and Mingus could have lost us all...which is what the latest music release from The Mars Volta did for me. They lost me. I mean I'm CONFUSED...When I listen to this album I actually feel like I'm in a maze running in the direction I think is the end only to find a very large wall of bushes with no where to go.
Just when I get some very intriguing, high energy explosion (that The Mars Volta does SO well)...I get pummeled by a 12 foot rouge wave and end up back in the washing machine not knowing which way is up only to eventually feel like I've passed on to very light elevator'esq music.
Here's a good live video showing their explosiveness (from a few years ago). Is that the dude from American Idol on keys!!!?