Saturday, February 10, 2007

RUSH - Mixing a new studio album! - It's a happy day!

In one of Neil Peart's lastest blogs he mentions that he, Geddy, and Alex are in the final mixes of a new album.

Peart mentions, "
The important thing is that all of that energy, excitement, and activity have sped the project along, and now it looks as though the recording will be finished by the end of the year—far ahead of schedule. We are planning on doing the final mixing early in the New Year(2007), but have made no commitments beyond that."

Good news! No, GREAT NEWS! See, I'm an extremely large RUSH fanatic as well as some others here at Top 40 Music Sucks! so this is music to my ears (extremely bad pun intended). (Photo below by Andrew MacNaughtan)
Neil Peart in the Studio
It seems Peart spends quite a bit of time in Los Angeles, California and needed to make it back in quick fashion to Quebec to start work on the new studio album and made it back on his BMW R1200GS in 4 days with riding 1000 miles in one day! It sounds like Neil was stoked to play!

“Booujze”Raskulinecz has been tapped as the young producer (36 years old and best known for his work with the Foo Fighters) and the final recording studio is Allaire Studios in a beautiful area of the Catskill Mountains of New York.

 View near Allaire Studios in the Catskill Mountains of New York

More to come on the progress of the release of the new album. All you RUSH fans out there we'd love to hear from bring it.

Art as expression ---
Not as market campaigns
Will still capture our imaginations
Given the same
State of integrity
It will surely help us along

The most endangered species ---
The honest man
Will still survive annihilation
Forming a world ---
State of integrity
Sensitive, open, and strong
Neil Peart
Natural Science