Again the LA Times with the story...
And this from Billboard...
What might have been (according to Rolling Stone)...
Unbelievable...or wait a minute. This is absolutely believable considering the past idiocy of everyone who has ever been involved in the Rock and Roll icon's know as Van Halen. The tour is off...once again. And now the Van Halen brothers will most likely bail on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame introduction. Ahhh, all I can say is...I just saved $250 a ticket for your stupid ass quasi - Van Halen reunion tour anyway! .
Lastly, I would like to leave this subject with some excellent David Lee Roth quotes:
"I have hope and faith, and that’s more than just the name of a couple of strippers from Albuquerque."
(When David Lee Roth was working as a paramedic) "I was working in neighborhoods that were almost exclusively black and Spanish-speaking, so only maybe twice out of 200 clients was I recognized.... I was joking about this in the truck on New Year's Eve, which was my last shift — I was working in Brooklyn, down in Coney Island — I said that I've been in more project apartments than Jay-Z and Diddy combined."
"I'm going to put some words in Ed's mouth," Roth said. "Whatever explanation he may give about having his son in the band, I'm going to superimpose: He wants to play with his kid while he's still at the top of his game and able to ... and that's also the same reason I'm in the band in its current configuration. No questions asked. He said, 'Hey, c'mon up the hill and make some music.' I said, 'Great. I'd love to play with you while you're still on the top of your game.' "
(from the L.A. Times) Roth smiled, but a moment later, when he was asked about what he feared most about the reunion, he didn't hesitate with his answer: "The two worst words in the English lexicon are 'band meeting.' "