Today I want to definitely recommend you to visit Frankly Not. People that know me, know that I am a critical (bordering pessimism) person. However this blog is simply great! Designed for people to meet equals in their love for music from mainly filmscores. The blog is divided into nine exchange platforms which introduces you to:
Today I want to definitely recommend you to visit Frankly Not. People that know me, know that I am a critical (bordering pessimism) person. However this blog is simply great! Designed for people to meet equals in their love for music from mainly filmscores. The blog is divided into nine exchange platforms which introduces you to:
- The original incredible filmscorium (Big Boom Hollywood scores)
- European Cine-Scores (European movie scores)
- Mr.T's Asian Cinema (Asian movie scores)
- Big Western Round-up (you guessed it, Western scores)
- Golden Age of Hollywood (scores from when Hollywood was in better shape)
- Vinyl Adventures (go figure yourself)
- Classical Music Hall
- Broadway Bound
- Jazz Speakeasy