Get ready for some industrial, post-punk and hardcore noise. Some of these blogs I intend to categorise under the metal and punk sections, others will find their home in a new Industrial/ Gothic/ Emo section.
- Salmagundi Syncopation - Blog description says: "All kinds of music from out of print LPs and CDs to world music, punk, hardcore, industrial and metal". Now you now what to expect! Weekly updates, nice lay out.
- Imaginary Dark does Cello Metal, Dark Cabaret, Dark Electro, Deathrock, Doom Metal among other dark genres.
- Destroy Silence opens your ears for Alternative, Post Punk, Gothic and other industrial inspired music.
- Happy Fun Good Time Smile Look Ouch (great title) looks somewhat dead but did experimental music with a classic touch (Randy Newman, Peter Gabriel, Coil and Roxy Music).
- Glinena ovca (argillaceous sheep with ceramic teeth) is an infrequently updated music blog which is specialised in experimental and industrial music.
- Gatekeepers is most definitely not only a metal blog, but also does alternative and progressive rock. Unfortunately the blog has not been updated in the last 3 months.
- SheerInertia's Engine - "Music for those inclined to think", well that is what the description says. Expect Christian Death, Love and Rockets, Swans, The sisterhood etc.
- MantelDerNacht - Is also an industrial electronic blog which does Electronic, New Beat, Techno, Goa Trance, synth pop among other things.