"The whole Universe is a large joke. Everything in the Universe are just subdivisions of this joke. So why take anything too serious?" (Zappa)
Another site worth checking out for fans of the Zappa phenomenon is Planeta Zappa. A cool blog with again a lot of information (in Spanish) on Frank. Also Zapping your Eyes seems an interesting place for more information and video clips of Z (again in Spanish). Finally, Peaches En Regalia is worth checking out (English) and has a lot of collected articles on Z.
Another site worth checking out for fans of the Zappa phenomenon is Planeta Zappa. A cool blog with again a lot of information (in Spanish) on Frank. Also Zapping your Eyes seems an interesting place for more information and video clips of Z (again in Spanish). Finally, Peaches En Regalia is worth checking out (English) and has a lot of collected articles on Z.