It seems that the days of "Rage Garden" are definitly starting to slip away as Audioslave starts to come into their own as a band. I wouldn't say they are completely there yet, but "Revelations" is a step in the right direction.
When I first put the album in and heard the mello Morello guitar line turn into a tight, driving riff that ripped through my car speakers like I'd just been hit by a Mac truck in the Best Buy parking lot, it made me jump as well as the hairs stand on the back of my neck. I was stoked. Ok, the song "Revelations" is a kick ass album opener.
I thought I was in for a dissapointment on the second tune "One and the Same" but Morello fails to dissapoint with an impressive 100-note-a-second solo (known as 100 n/sec in mathmatical terms). And Cornell can still belt it out like always. "Ok, song 2 = good".
I hear another Tom Morello signature riff opener on "Sound of a Gun" and turn up the car stereo to peak levels. Still Diggin' what I'm hearin'.
Then I get to song 4, "Until we Fall", and I get a sense of "Oh, NO... not another Audioslave ballad" but as the song progresses it saves itself with a build up to a crushing chorus. Not Bad.
My fears are growing that I'm going to be let down just as "Original Fire" comes on...and my heart sinks. Did I just enter a Baptist church with the congregation all clapping, swaying, and throwing their hands in the air? I think I did. Not a fan of song #5. Let's move on. Weird.
Hmmm, song #6 "Broken City" is better...a nice, slimy, gritty tune. Song #7, "Somedays" starts out with some good Cornell Choruses. Getting better!
Song #8 "Shape of things to come" staying about the same energy level...Song #9 "Jewel of the Summertime" has a nice funky, rock groove going - I like it. Still hanging on.
Let's close this album out. I can only stay in my car parked in my garage for so long until my neighbors start to bitch (having a newborn and all..screw it...keep the volume up). #10 "Wide Awake" is an slow raspy tune with big choruses. I'm still here.
#11 "Nothing left to Say but Goodbye" is another slower, raspy vocaled tune. Let's move on to the last track. I'm hungry.
#12 "Moth" OK, now we're talking. Morello, Cornell, and even Brad Wilk step it up to close out the album with some good energy, good big meaty riffs, and a...fade out!? a FADE OUT!? Were is the hidden track? You don't just fade out an album like this? BLAH! Brenden O'Brien (producer/mixer) should be shot for that.
So over all I like the album, but felt that I was left hanging...waiting for Cornell to belt out "BURNIN' THAT GASOLIIIIINE" The more I listen to it, the more I skip song #5 and find myself going back to the first 4 songs. It's definietly worth buying, but definitly worth skipping song #5.
Check out Audioslave's new album: Revelations