A friend just turned me on to Marillion, a UK band that has been around for ages, but I had never heard of them. I bought "Misplaced Childhood" and even though I'm only on my second listen I know that I'm going to love this band. Misplaced Childhood was made in 1985 and it sounds like it. Lot's of reverb, big production, lot's of synths...but it's an excellent album that is basically one long song and is seen as a concept album. It's actually a very sad album and it turns out, had great success in the UK. At first thought, if you were to mash Genesis (Peter Gabriel days) with Pink Floyd, and some 80's YES (think Drama) this is what would come out. I'm really looking forward to hearing some other albums. Their discography catalogue is HUGE. It looks like they have released about 5 albums a year since 1982! That's about 120 albums worth of music. If you are new to Marillion just send an email to freecd@marillion.com and they will send you an album FREE!
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Your free Crash Course CD request must contain your full name, postal address and birth date, plus the website, magazine, newspaper, or other media where you first heard of this free CD offer. Requests without the full information stated above will not receive the CD.
Check out the music of Marillion: Misplaced Childhood