Review by yltwatcher
Download Mp3's of "Beanbag Chair" and "Pass the Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind"
Well the new Yo La Tengo album came out yesterday, and I bought it that day. I must say it is quite good, but at 78 minutes long and with such a wide variety of styles, it will take awhile for me to really absorb it and decide what I think of it. Right now I am alternating between thinking it is the White Album of indie rock and thinking that I find it oddly distant even though it is more fun than any other YLT release (barring the WFMU thingie, "Yo La Tengo is Murduring the Classics"). There are some real stunners on this album, especially Georgia's "I feel Like Going Home", Jame's one contribution, "Black Flowers", and the Belle and Sebastian-like "Beanbag Chair" and "I Should have Known Better". The longer I listen to this album, the more I lean towards thinking it's a classic and I begin to think it is at least nearly as good as "I Can Feel the Heart Beating as One", if not more accomplished stylistically. I think part of my "distance" issue is with the production style and the way this album sounds on my car stereo. There are some frequency ranges that are nearly no-shows in my Jetta, and it makes it hard to be pulled in by albums with a certain sonic signature. The already midrange-centric, muddy production style (not in a bad way) is just not working well in my car. Need to break out the big-ass Sony studio monitor headphones this weekend (or steal the little M-Audio monitors I bought for the theater for the weekend). In short, this album is a grower.
If I felt safe enough to post a link to the attached song on your blog, Mike I would put it on the Yacht Rock section before I put it on the indie section, but instead, I am e-mailing you this low-res mp3 of the song I cannot get out of my head from the new album. YLT has never done anything quite like this one. Enjoy Mr. Tough. My 21-month old is singing along now (when she isn't saying Chadd's name with a dreamy look in her eyes).
You guys need to not only go see YLT at the Filmore, you need to go at least two of the three shows they are doing there. First, the opening act will likely be different each night, and there will be special guests they will bring up to play each time, mostly local artists of note. Second, with a 20 year discography and huge number of covers always played at their shows, the selections and vibe will be very different each night, so do yourself a favor and get to all of 'em if you can. And call me from the show if they play "Barnaby Hardly Working", "Blue Line Swinger" or "I Heard You Looking."
You MUST own this album! I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass