But how's the music? If you like dance throw back bands (like many you hear coming out these days) then I'd have to say...the music is good! I could see myself getting a groove on to OK GO after many cocktails with a bunch of friends at a local bar. And I bet they are an undeniable magnet of unbelievable force that pulls many, many women to their shows. Good dancy beats, good up front bass, a little bit of nostalgia, and some good disco chords make OK GO a fun band with fun music and best listened to with a heavy buzz on.
Here's what I mean by people imitating the video and sending it in to You Tube in order to win the contest. Pretty Funny.
OK Go! vs. Lego
And now that the first video has them on a whirlwind tour of shows and interviews, the band has decided to put out another $5 video all done on treadmills. Damn funny, well done, and already millions of views! Here is OK GO and their video of "Here it goes again". Enjoy!
Check out the OK GO album: OK Go